Telemedicine visits allow you to access comprehensive, integrative medical care from the comfort of your own home.
During a telemedicine appointment, you can expect Dr. Tiffany to fully review your medical history and discuss all of your challenging health symptoms. She can order laboratory tests, review results, prescribe pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle medicine.
If you need a physical examination or medical procedure and you do not live in the area, Dr. Tiffany can collaborate with your local, in-person medical team to make sure you receive the best care possible. To prevent fragmented care, Dr. Tiffany is always available to serve as your “health care coordinator,” ensuring that someone you trust is always there to support and help navigate your healthcare needs.
Whether you are an in-person patient or a telemedicine patient, her goal is the same: to provide you with the most comprehensive medical care that helps you attain your most optimal health.